BIOL 2421 Microbiology                    
Review Sheet   Eukaryotes    
Dr. Weis

  1. Name the Eukaryotic kingdoms and know the taxonomy levels
  1. Explain the differences and similarities between mitosis and meiosis
  1. Define schizagony
  1. Regarding Protozoa
    1. Describe the life cycle and know locations
    1. Explain what a cyst is
    1. Give General characteristics

    2. Name the pathogenic protozoa and the disease caused
  1. Regarding Fungi
    1. Describe the life cycle and know locations
    1. Explain the two morphological forms
    1. Give General characteristics

    2. Explain the differences between asexual and sexual reproduction

    3. Name the pathogenic fungal organisms and the diseases caused

    4. Define saprobes
  1. Regarding Helminths
    1. Name the major groups
    1. Give locations found
    1. Give General characteristics

    2. Name the pathogenic helminths and the disease caused
  1. Regarding Arthropod Vectors
    1. Explain the difference between mechanical and biological vectors
    1. Give examples of mechanical vectors
    1. Name the biological vectors

    2. Give examples of the diseases caused by biological vectors
  1. Know some epidemiological life cycle terms such as definitive host, secondary host, infective stage, transmission stage